Hornby and Bachmann (OO Gauge / 1:76) Train Sets, plus Graham Farish (N Gauge / 1:148)
All Hornby Train Sets include track, controller, transformer and train, most also include the trakmat scenic mat. We do not consider any Hornby Train Set to be suitable for under 5's. We recommend ages 8+ as a minimum for all large Steam locomotive Hornby Train Sets (Flying Scotsman, Mallard etc) as they are fiddly to fit onto the track. All suggested layouts are ideally nailed down onto a 6 foot by 4 foot board - we recommend half inch Chipboard.
Bachmann sets are basically the same as their Hornby equivalents - the track is identical and the controllers, trains and so on are completely Hornby compatible - the benefit of a Bachmann set over the Hornby equivalent is twofold though - the locos and rolling stock are "full detail" (i.e. the same as sold separately at full price, as opposed to Hornby's sets which include the lower detail locos, wagons and coaches) and the Bachmann train controller is a very high grade, robust unit which will generally outlast the Hornby one (to the extent that we often recommend a Bachmann controller to replace a Hornby one when it dies).
Graham Farish sets are N gauge (small) size and suitable for adults only. These are very compact and can be set up on a small table or board. We stock separate Farish locos, track and rolling stock, plus buildings - so you can create a miniature world - just smaller still than the regular size.
We carry one of the widest selections of model train sets in the United Kingdom - if it's shown on this page, it is in stock.
Price £17.99
Price £33.70
Price £29.50
Price £46.50
Price £20.99
Price £32.99
Price £175.00
Price £208.50
Price £175.50
Price £229.50
Price £314.50
Price £219.50
Time Tunnel Models,
Unit 3,
Fenton Barns Retail Village,
North Berwick, EH39 5BW,
United Kingdom.
Open online for mail order 24/7. Dispatch open Monday to Friday. Shop open for visitors Tuesday to Friday 10am to 4pm.
We take some Payments via Nochex Merchant Account as a checkout option. Please note: Unless specifically stated otherwise, it should be assumed that no product sold on this website is suitable for use by persons under 14 years of age. All prices are in £Sterling (UK Pounds). Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment Regs 2006: For recycling info please click here.
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